Nirantar Trust

(1998) New Delhi
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Nirantar, a Centre for Gender & Education works with feminist pedagogy and practices to develop collective knowledge and resources about the lives of girls and women in India. The organisation runs direct field interventions, build capacities, develop feminist leadership, create educational resources, and conduct research and advocacy deeply rooted in the lives of marginalised girls and women. Nirantar has been actively involved with the women’s movement and other democratic rights movements since its inception in 1993.

Nirantar provides support to organisations and programmes in the areas of gender, educational pedagogy, material and curriculum development, and review and evaluation of training programmes. Intersections with caste, religion and dis/ability provide the critical lens to Nirantar’s trainings and workshops on gender and sexuality.

Nirantar runs the Young People, Sexuality and Rights (Yuva, Yaunikta and Adhikar) course, which creates a space to critically engage with the challenges and realities of fieldworkers’ own lives as they work with the youth, in order to build a language in which they can talk to them. Nirantar conducts the Gender and Education course to enhance the capacities of practitioners, policy makers and grassroots organisations linked to the education sector. These trainings develop and enhance skills, concepts and knowledge around issues of gender and education, to strengthen their commitment to equity.